
Majors Creek : Times Past.
image757  Aggies Cathorne  Secretary of the CWA surrounded by members and children  on her 80th birthday including old identities Ada Crandell and Flo Coles on left image760  Old Stubbings home. Now restored and home of Marg McCann image763  This sign hung over the Rest Room door until the building was sold image767
image769  Mr William Stinson (Sen) with granddaughter Robyn Corcoran c1946 image771  Mr William and Mrs Rosie Stinson with granddaughter Robyn Corcoran  on verandah of the Elrington Hotel c1946 image773  Elrington Hotel c1946 Licensee Jack Corcoran image778  Lionel (Ginger) McDonald plowing. Brian McDonald’s house is now built on the block 7 George St.
image3571  Jocelyn Family home image3591  Archie McDonald first shop image3611  Cards at the Pub  l-r Ted Gardner, Lionel McDonald, Harry Gardner, Irwin Crandell image3671  Old Mining Relects
image3691 image3891  St Stephens Church decorated by the school children for the marriage of Miss Lil Heazlett 1921 image3911  Majors Creek Post Office c late 1930’s with PM Mr J W Wiggins and Wife image3931  Const Marsh with his wife and children in front of the Police Station
image3951  School and School Residence from Red Hill image3971  Majors Creek School Children c 1892 image4111  Workers at Snobs Mine image4131
image4151  Coles Bootmakers Shop with family on verandah image4171  Groups outside Coles Bootmakers Shop image4211  A group taken outside Granny Wiggins Shop c 1930 image5411  Macs General Store and Residence, Clowrey’s in background
old majors creek from red hill x650 image293  Wiggins family centre Granny( Martha) and Grandfather (Charles) Wiggins and their family. image299  Post Office Majors Creek. Mail arriving, P.M. JW (Billy Wiggins on verandah,  Granny Wiggins in apron, Mrs Grant  in white frock and Sarah Stinson in black skirt and white blouse. image300  Post Office with Policeman on verandah
image302  Majors Creek Football Team image327  The Old Elrington Hotel Mr John Heazlett Licencee image329  Watch given to Const Marsh  1917 The Inscription reads “ Presented to C.B.Marsh  In token of esteem by his  Majors Creek friends August 1917” image331  A view from Red Hill note old and new Hotel
image333  A View from Red Hill from r. McDonalds General Store to l. Carters Shop image335  Majors Creek School Children with top Mr Hanley and below with Miss Lil Heazlett image337 image339  Majors Creek School Children 1918 with  Mr Hanley top and below with Mrs Hanley and Miss Lil Heazlett
image341 image363  Mrs Ivy Stuart playing the piano at the Annual Childrens Christmas Party.  Mrs Stuart played for this annual event for many years. With her husband Os they also played for dances at Majors Creek and throughout the district for over 30 years image365  Majors Creek Football Team  1905 image383
image385  A group of locals, location and date unknown possibly 1930’s.  l. Lionel (Ginger) McDonald and centre Edward (Mickey) Gardner image419  Confirmation at St Stephens 1923 with Rector Revd C Wilder-Clarke and Bishop Barlow image420  Ted Burkes Studebaker Mail Car parked outside Keyte’s General Store Ted was the highly respected mailman for many years delivering mail six days a week. image423  Coles Machinery Shed in Hill St
image425  School and residence with Mrs Wiggins Cottage on left image442 image444 image446
image448  CWA catering for a wedding  1950’s. l-r John Spooner, Ivy Stuart, Lizzie Wiggins and Aggie Cawthorne image450  School residence. Not known if this is the residence that was burnt down or the second residence that was bought from Jembaicumbene. The second one was sold and pulled down and removed in the 1960’s. image452  Travelling Library at Majors Creek image468  A Funeral going up George St
image472  Eeling on the Deau River r-l Albert (Jacky) Keyte, Ted Crandell, Fred Keyte,    Jim Rankin, Albert (Bon) Flack, Dick Huggett Albert(Bon) Flack, Dick Huggett image474  St Stephens Church with Shingle Roof and below with the new Fibro  Slate Roof image476  The Elrington Hotel R J Lewis Licencee image480  Archie McDonald outside his shop in George St
image484  This letter  to Miss Lil Heazlett was received on the eve of her marriage from her very good friend Nellie Lewis.  Nellie was a cripple and bore a lot of pain during her lifetime. She passed away on  31-12-1937  and was buried on New Years Day  1-1-1938 the day of the Ptomaine Poisoning. image518  AE (Bon) Flacks 80th birthday c 1960’s  l-r Clive Flack, Joyce Mackenzie (Flack) and Beryl Lewis (Flack). image531  Reg  (Bluey) Lewis Mine Host of the Elrington Hotel for many years Reg  (Bluey) Lewis Mine Host of the Elrington Hotel for many years image541  View from red Hill. Note Macs Store and Coles Bootmakers  with Clowreys House, Police Station and Church in the background
image544  late Vic Cook on his trusted pony image545  A Picnic ( unknown location) image549  This Roll of Honour done the Children of Majors Creek Public School hung in the  School for many years until its closure. image553  This plaque hung over the fireplace in the schools small room. When the school closed and sold it was  put in the CWA Room. It is now back at the school       courtesy of present owners L and P Ruzicka.
image558  George St c 1950’s image559  Majors Creek Bakery run by Granny Wiggins, later carried on by brothers Vic and Sam Cook and eventually by RH (Sam) Cook until its closure. image560  Vic Carter (son of Theo and Annie Carter) taken at John and Julia Heazletts home on top of Red Hill. Between the trees the Old and New Elrington can be seen.  Theo Carter was the licencee at that time. image566  Majors Creek Light Horse ( unknown history or location)
image583  Race Meeting at Majors Creek image586  Old Ballalaba Bridge taken from Majors Creek Road image590  Ruins of the Murphy home in Wilson St taken c1968. Many families lived in this house over the years, some being Murphys, Spooners, Spinks, Grahams, Russell McDonalds. The home of Randall and Marjorie Lemin is now built on the site of the old home. image592
image596  Service to celebrate the 130th anniversary of the laying of the foundation stone of St Stephens Church on 29th October 2000. image600  Public School 1889 now Private Residence image705 image716  Mac’s General Store was opened by Archie McDonald  in early 1900’s which he continued to operate until his passing in 1942 and then carried on by his son Mervyn eventually  closing in 1959.
image719  Majors Creek Bakery c1920’s. Aub McDonald, Glen and Clarrie Wiggins image721  Majors Creek Bakery c 1920’s. Minnie Louttit (Wiggins) and Winnie Green (McDonald) image730  Remains of a building at the rear of Coles Bootmakers block with Clowrys in the background image732  Horse and Sulky in front of Mac’s General Store. Cole’s Bootmaker’s Shop in background.
image735 image737  The Keyte family on the verandah of the General Store image739  Bridge over Majors Creek at the foot of Sapling Hill. Abutments by Rusconi c1870 image742  The Old Jury family home
image744  George St c 1920’s image749  Majors Creek P and C ladies organisers of the Annual Children’s Christmas Party 1960’s l-r Millie Thompson, Una Stuart, Aggie Cawthorne, Winnie McDonald, Ivy Hall, Phylis Quist, Mattie Flack and Glady Stuart in front. image750  St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church built 1936. Now private residence. The  original  Catholic Church  was situated on Chapel Flat behind the hotel image755  These Memorial gates were erected by the Majors Creek Progress Association  during the late 1960’s as a memorial to Jack Seiffert MLA